Newsletter – June 2016

Dear Friends,

Be Still and Know

“There is an answer: Let IT be.” The inspiration for my lesson this morning is supported by the well-known Beatles’ song which I am sure many of you know – “Let it be”.
Although the words in the song are stating that in times of trouble we should “let it be”, my main focus in this message today is on taking these words of wisdom a step further, so that we ‘let what IS (in truth) be, not only in times of trouble but constantly through mindful practice of the Presence of God. Interestingly, and before going any further, every day we are “letting what is not, be.” All around us, on a daily basis, we are seeing evidence of what is not true.

Irwin Gregg, who died in 1982, and was Minister Emeritus of First Divine Science Church, Denver, stated:
“The human misconceptions in the world today, commonly accepted, have resulted in all of man’s problems. In the light of our new spiritual knowledge, these misconceptions present a continual challenge. As Divine Scientists we propose to meet the challenge by rising above the human sense and applying our spiritual knowledge to every negative condition. Jesus promised, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” The powerful action of spiritual truth provides the answer to every problem, individual or world-wide. Our work lies in spiritual re-education. In the face of appearances, we remember that God is all-powerful, present everywhere, and working always for good. Only the power that we call God can modify our consciousness. And only the altered consciousness can change human conditions.”

That is what we need to remember and essentially what is required of us is aligning in consciousness with God. But it seems that we are letting our human misconceptions…BE – and although this was stated by Irwin Gregg some years ago, … has it really changed?
So, what is it we are really letting be in our lives today – or allowing, may explain it better. When we are in fierce opposition to something; resisting change in life or challenged by someone, we are letting or allowing that to be our focus. All around us in the world today we are seeing evidence of people rebelling against being constrained or oppressed. On one side the more that groups of people are pushing forward or rising up in protest, so they are being opposed or pushed back by others. It is like an endless tug of war that is spiralling out of control with no-one giving way.

There is a time and place to take a stand and move toward change but there is a non-violent way. In a Christian Science article from some years back relating to issues of that time, I find it applies today.

“As much as humanity is struggling to find peace and empowerment for all, God hold the facts about His creation and unfolds the specifics of those facts to us. The calm heart of the revolution is a quiet heart in protest. It can find peace and rest in eternal promises and can unfold the dignity, worth, strength, and safety of everyone as God’s beloved, protected son and daughters.”

More than ever we need to find that calm deep within. How easy do we find it to be still, when all our senses are on full alert to what is going on around us? Holding to that inner peace within seems at times to be one of the most challenging choices. Yet the answer to all our situations in life (in the world) will come from this inner stillness and the voice of wisdom.

Despite the teachings of Jesus, giving us universal spiritual principles as a way of living life, we still look to the world for healing and abundance. and as one author stated it: “We still leave our bodies to the drug stores to be healed, and our souls to the pulpits.”
Jesus said: “I am come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.” Are we any closer to realizing and understanding that this promise requires of us to surrender to the inner Christ in consciousness. And this brings us back to letting that truth which is within us, be.
Malinda Cramer, one of the founders of Divine Science, said in an article, that the teachings of Jesus are still a new doctrine in life today and will continue to be so, until we give up on what it is we want, humanly, and become what we are spiritually.
We let what is, be, when we understand that each of us, as individual consciousness, is the instrument through which God expresses and manifests in life.

We are living in a spiritually complete universe which we cannot embrace, see, or know, with our human senses or understanding. What happens though, is that we try humanly to enjoy our spiritual heritage; so we end up with the human trying to be spiritual, when all the time we are already that.
The destiny of each of us is to know who we are in truth and the seeming chaos must ultimately birth something new……something that is always ready to be experienced when consciousness is ready for IT.
And the “something new” is the recognition of the Truth. And this birthing can only occur at the core of our being; in that inner, sacred, silent place of utter, convinced, knowing……… And even in an hour of darkness, we will hear the words of wisdom …..

SUNDAY SERVICES: All are welcome to join us each week as we take time to Be Still, in Silent Meditation, and then share a Lesson in Truth Principles. NB. Childcare is available if you phone us on Friday before 10:00am to arrange.

Meditation – 09:30 to 09:45
Service – 09:45 to 10:30

05 Sylvia van Zyl
12 Rosemary Batchelor
19 Rev. Mallory Kretzmann – Thanksgiving Service
26 Rev. Mallory Kretzmann

12:00 NOON – MEDITATION: We remind you that our Sanctuary is open Tuesday to Friday from 12 noon to 1pm for meditation. All are welcome to come in, and Be Still for any part of the hour. In this month of June, our candle will be lit for Gratitude. For the next six weeks beginning Tuesday 31 May, we will have guided meditation in the tradition of the Kabbalah (40 minutes) followed by 20 minutes of stillness. The meditation each week will be repeated daily for that respective week.

ACT MEMBERS’ MARKET: The market this month will be held a week earlier on Sunday 12 June.
Members who have “wares” to sell are welcome to do so on the allocated Sunday, and set up in the outside venue. On this Sunday tea will be served out on the veranda. Members who wish to participate can call us on 041-5813309 for details. Sellers to tithe 10% of their sales towards the renovation of the “new” venue space. We have had some very good “tea-times” during the market each month, as folk enjoy the garden and browsing through the books, plants, and wonderful edibles on offer.

DIVINE SCIENCE CLASSES: The Meditation Class, and Higher Training and Consecration Class, respectively, are currently underway. Please keep an eye on the notice board as we have plans for daytime classes and workshops in the forthcoming months. A Basic Principles Class is scheduled for August.

SPEECHCRAFT WORKSHOP: This has been postponed and details of new date to follow.

TRIVIA EVENING: Join us for an evening of fun, laughter and testing your wits! Friday evening 17 June 6.00pm for 6:30pm. Bring along family and friends and make up a team to pool your general knowledge. R60-00 per person includes home-made soup, bread and a glass of sherry. Phone to book your space, (041-5813309) or put your name on the list on the board.

R5000-00 DRAW THIS MONTH: We are doing a final drive to sell tickets. You may still wish to put yourself in line to win the prize and assist in bringing in funds to support the Centre. Your support and participation and enthusiasm in this venture is appreciated. The draw will take place directly after the Thanksgiving Service on Sunday 19 June.

LIBRARY: Books are being processed weekly for inclusion in the library, through cataloguing and capturing on computer. Our sincere thanks to Jean Baz and Doreen Price.

ACT AGM: The Annual General Meeting will take place directly after the Service on Sunday 05 June.

DIVINE SCIENCE U.K. – Revs. Dave and Ishbel Bailey – e-mail: Ph: 01892 752085

In Closing …..

Hebrews 12:28

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken,
let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably
with reverence and awe.

Bountiful blessings,