Dear Friends,
Finding the Sacred in Daily Living
I begin the message this month with a question: Do we overlook the sacred in daily living?
Perhaps we feel swamped at times with so much going on around us, not only in our own families, communities, city, or country; but even in seemingly every country in the world. And in this state of information overload, being overwhelmed by the problems of the world, perhaps we could even state that we do not have time any more for sacred moments.
Yet, now more than ever, it seems, we will find stability in the simple sacred moments. In taking time, silently, to stand in the sun, listen to the breeze, observe the season around us following nature’s law as here in our southern hemisphere there is preparation for hibernation or consolidation of energy. Preparation for inner stillness on the part of nature is an example to follow, because when the time is right (when the season is right) out of that stillness, all will grow, unfold, and bloom in divine order.
Last week I mentioned that we are no longer operating according to the Old Testament laws of an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. And the reason for this is that we have evolved in consciousness, through the teachings of Jesus found in the New Testament, where the law of love supersedes the love of law. When there is such an explosion of human activity distracting us every day, it is so easy to fall back into the Old Testament way. We cannot stay stuck at the level of the old laws, and expect to experience a different world.
Jesus told his disciples: “what is that to thee, follow thou me.” And that did not mean follow the man, but the consciousness of the spiritual teaching and align with spiritual law. How many are ready to do that? Is it perhaps that the material world with all its happenings, is too exciting to give up?
I came across these words in a Christian Science article printed about five years ago:
“The human mind constantly projects images that it believes are true but that have no foundation in the face of spiritual reality. Rather than accepting a material picture, which can at times look hopeless, why not see that God has written the only screenplay, based on His view of reality as spiritual and good? This view exposes the emptiness of the material picture and its resulting malaise.”
In 1984, John Randolph Price together with his wife, Jan, put together the “planetary commission” with the idea of bringing folk together across the globe at the same time, beginning December 31 1986 at noon Greenwich time, in uplifted consciousness. A copy of the World Healing Meditation was printed in the back of some of their published books, and there was an audio tape available with the words of the meditation beautifully spoken. Here at ACT we were part of that first meditation and for a number of years after that. The intention behind this World Healing Meditation was to transform consciousness. And it is only from or through a transformation in consciousness that any lasting change will come about in individual experience.
Right now there is still a need – the only need; and it is a need in individual consciousness – a need within you and me – to maintain the awareness of the Inner Presence. It is not just something we do on a certain day of the year for a specific result, but a practice of BEING IN THE PRESENCE, daily. Everything in our outer environment responds to our thoughts. What are we sending forth each day? What are our responses to life around us? Are we fearing or embracing change? Is our need to be in control of every situation making us anxious?
Remember these words often: “What is that to thee, follow thou me.” And you will find that when challenged in some way perhaps, or indecisive about something, it will help if you stop and say them aloud to yourself. It just puts things into perspective.
Let us not get swept away by all the issues in the world. Let us rather take time to realize that every moment that we stop in awareness of Truth, we are experiencing a sacred moment. It can be the truth behind the creation in nature, or the Divine smiling through the eyes of a child. It can be acknowledging the invisible power of the wind; and it can be gazing at a star-filled night.
What are we seeing each day; are we even seeing the beautiful sunrises or sunsets, the clouds, and looking at the intricacies of colour and design in a flower? These are the things that should be stirring something in us, yet so often we overlook them and we miss valuable opportunities.
We are experiencing appearances of all kinds in the world today and it is up to us to restore peace and harmony, not by appealing to God or trying to use God to change negative conditions. God has nothing to do with what is going on. But when we accept God as the only power then our focus is automatically on truth and the discords on earth diminish. Let us not overlook the sacred in everyday life – the sacred that is always present.
SUNDAY SERVICES: All are welcome to join us each week as we take time to Be Still, in Silent Meditation, and then share a Lesson in Truth Principles. NB. Childcare is available if you phone us on Friday before 10:00am to arrange.
Meditation – 09:30 to 09:45
Service – 09:45 to 10:30
03 Sylvia van Zyl
10 Rev. Mallory Kretzmann
17 Rev. Elizabeth Dugmore
24 Rosemary Batchelor
31 Rev. Mallory Kretzmann
12:00 NOON – MEDITATION: We remind you that our Sanctuary is open Tuesday to Friday from 12 noon to 1pm for meditation. All are welcome to come in, light a candle, and Be Still for any part of the hour. In this month of July, our candle will be lit for Inner Peace. The six-week guided meditations will end on Friday 08 July.
ACT MEMBERS’ MARKET: The market this month will be held on Sunday 17 July. For the next three months, (July, August, September) due to the colder weather, the market will be held indoors. Members who have “wares” to sell are welcome to do so on the allocated Sunday, but need to set up before the Service commences. Should you wish to participate call us on 041-5813309 for details. Sellers to tithe 10% of their sales towards the renovation of the “new” venue space.
TRIVIA EVENING: This function held on 17 June was a great success. Much fun was had with six teams trying to outwit each other in answering the general knowledge questions. Due to popular demand there will be another Trivia evening soon. Thanks to Lynne for the thought-provoking questions and to all who contributed to the supper.
R5000-00 DRAW WINNER: Our congratulations to Kathleen Vincent (in England) who won the draw!!! Jannette Robertson, Kathleen’s Mom, accepted the prize on her behalf.
THANK YOU: We extend gratitude to those who so generously support the Centre in different ways. The enthusiastic participation by folk in support of ACT and the Teaching of Truth is heart-warming. Come summer, our patio will be put to good use for outdoor functions and we acknowledge the time and talents of Judie Stringer who kindly varnished the benches, they are really looking good.
FORTHCOMING CLASSES: Please keep a watch on the noticeboard, and our face book for regular announcements.
DIVINE SCIENCE U.K. – Revs. Dave and Ishbel Bailey – e-mail: Ph: 01892 752085
In Closing …..
As Joel Goldsmith states it:
“Coming into the awareness of the infinite nature of God as Love, makes it virtually impossible for there to be a condition apart from God. Standing fast in this oneness with God, we find the negative appearances disappearing – not because He has healed or removed them, but because, through the realization of the presence of Truth, these negative appearances have been revealed as nothingness, as universal beliefs without substance, without cause, without law, and therefore, without effect.”
Bountiful blessings,