Newsletter – October 2015

Dear Friends,

Freedom in Consciousness

Wherever we are, no matter what seems to be going on all around us; through awareness, we can be free in consciousness. Having been away, in the northern hemisphere, on the cusp as it were of summer and autumn; the issues or problems might have been different to some that we experience here in our country, but essentially, it seems wherever one goes there are challenges. And the challenges most are facing require change, which in itself is perhaps the most daunting of all to some. And many times, though we want change, we also fear it, with our “what ifs”. Change (even when anticipated and welcomed) requires something new of us.

Let me illustrate with this delightful little story I received in an e-mail:
In a small town a couple of cowboys were reminiscing about the past, and one was talking about his uncle. He said. “When my uncle first saw a revolving door he was astounded. He saw this grandmotherly, grey-haired lady going in and immediately following that he saw a young, cute, blonde young woman coming out. Then he saw a shabbily-dressed panhandler going in and a nattily-attired banker coming out. My uncle jumped back in his truck and started the engine and he said, ‘I’m going home to get the missus and run her through there a couple of times.’”

Now we may laugh at this – in fact, I really found it so funny, but, can you imagine what the uncle would have had to do if indeed his wife had come round that door completely transformed? Would she have been happy with a shabby old man?

We have to be ready for change, to embrace it and the only real way to do this is to be ready in consciousness. We allow the world around us to dictate and often govern our decisions or aspirations. And maybe we are driven by a need to achieve things and status in order to be happy.

I share with you briefly, from the book, “Your Freedom to Be”, by Dr. Jack Holland, who held a long list of degrees academically and in business and was also a Divine Science minister. (I am giving you the short version here). He visited our Centre a couple of times in the past, and I do recall meeting him once. He states:

“Nothing of a permanent, effective and viable nature can be built on that which is in-constant – that which is ever changing. As Paul stated, “it is the spiritual in man which is immortal.” Everything that has come into manifestation is changing while the invisible is everlasting. There is but one constant in this entire universe and that is the source of all energy – the I AM Presence, the God Within, the One Power and the One Presence. When we develop our image from that which is ever changing and has little value, then where is the “truth” and where is the substance in our “imaging”?

We know intuitively and intellectually that all that has come into appearance to our senses is ever changing. This is so whether we are speaking of the human body or other forms of animal, mineral, or vegetable matter. There is only one “immortal” aspect of all in the universe. That one “constant” is the essence of what we are and is the truth of ourselves – the spirit (energy) – which is ever present.”

What is being referred to when we talk about the One Source of all being, God, – or whatever name we are comfortable with – is an INVISIBLE SOMETHING, and we are challenged to believe in IT even though with our five senses we cannot discern it in any tangible way. Let us consider the passage in Matthew 6: 19&20:

“Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, where it grows rusty and moth-eaten, and thieves break in to steal it. Store up treasures in heaven, where there is no moth or rust to spoil it, no thieves to break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.”

So then where is this alternate “storage space” to be found, but, within our own consciousness. And the treasure of course includes, a true knowing and experience (an intimate experience) with the Inner Presence. Whatever we know (truly know), and realize, in consciousness, stays with us – this is the treasure. We sometimes have all-too-brief moments (split seconds) of total unity with all that is, and then…. we seem to lose it. Well, it stays with us in consciousness, and as we practice our moments of stillness the experience becomes more familiar and more regular. We know that all comes forth from the Invisible Source into manifestation. And the only “place” that this knowing is sensed, is in consciousness. It all comes back to consciousness, and this is where true change takes place; this is where peace, love, and understanding are held – the absolute peace, love, and understanding, that ultimately cannot be shaken by the outside world.

We can fall into the trap though, of wanting something “out there” to change first. Like the man who was going to send his wife through the revolving door to change her. It is realization of Truth in consciousness that assists us in our day to day challenges; and being mindful of the Inner Presence, and the true treasure in Life.

SUNDAY SERVICES: All are welcome to join us each week as we take time to Be Still, in Silent Meditation, and then share a Lesson in Truth Principles. NB. Childcare is available if you phone us on Friday before 10:00am to arrange.

Meditation – 09:30 to 09:45
Service – 09:45 to 10:30

SPEAKERS – October:
04 Sylvia van Zyl
11 Rosemary Batchelor
18 Rev. Elizabeth Dugmore
25 Rev. Mallory Kretzmann

LIBRARY: Open Tuesday to Friday from 09:00 to 13:00, and on Sundays after Service, signed-up members have the advantage of making use of the library with a vast selection of books. Recently donated books on the Enneagram have been placed together in a separate section for those interested. We have many gems in the library and do encourage members to investigate the many titles available.

DIVINE SCIENCE BASIC PRINCIPLE – EVENING CLASS: This course of 10 sessions begins on Tuesday 06 October. Join Mallory from 7:00pm to 9:00pm each week as we investigate universal spiritual principles that are the essential foundation for a deeper understanding of Life. Those who have already participated in the classes are most welcome to join us as it is always good to return to “Basics” and steep ourselves in Truth. Please see the notice board for all details or call us on 041-5813309 to be included.

Spring Clean – Garden and Home – from 9:00am to 12:00 noon. Activities will mainly be weeding, outdoor cleaning and some minor painting and preparing the Garage for a social event. The first hour will be worked in silence, followed by tea/refreshments. Work will then continue till 12:00 noon. Call Sylvia on 083-7082857 for more information.

During my recent visit to London, I met with Revs. Dave and Ish Bailey – you may remember them from previous times before they relocated in 1998. It was great to re-connect and we look forward to ongoing networking with them.
Find them on:

In Closing…..

Let us go back for a moment to Jack Holland’s book: “Your Freedom to Be”, where he states:

“Jesus, the master teacher and not a ruler, experienced great animosity, great negativity, and the ultimate in man’s inhumanity to man. But did he ever accept these things as the Truth of his being? Absolutely not. In every adversity, in every experience he found new channels for growth in his awareness of the One Presence, the One Power, the I AM Presence in the universe.
He accepted the experiences as guides and chances to move forward in understanding and development. He recognized his temptations for what they were: experiences to demonstrate, through recognizing the God within, that he could overcome all.”

Bountiful blessings,