Newsletter – Dec 2024/Jan 2025

Dear Friends,

How To Respond To The ‘Goliaths’ In Life.

In considering the story of David and Goliath, from the metaphysical point of view, it is easy to realize that there are many “Goliaths” in the global context, in our places of work or study, even in our own homes perhaps.  We identify these for ourselves, and once identified, at the metaphysical aspect of understanding, we are able to move toward the mystical approach.  Before we proceed though, it needs to be pointed out that in some instances, our very own thoughts can be Goliaths in our lives.

Taking a brief look at this well-known story, we find three key players: Saul was king at the time; David, a shepherd, had captured the king’s attention through the beautiful music he  played on the harp; and then Goliath, the Philistine who was a giant of a man and sheathed in the finest armour and carrying the best weaponry, challenged the Israelites.

Saul, also a big man, was not prepared to take up the challenge and face Goliath. Saul, metaphysically, signifies personal will—that which lies close to sense consciousness and found in us all.  Metaphysically, David represents divine love. Goliath, metaphysically, represents the erroneous belief that parades and tries to dominate our minds, creating fear.

In brief, the story unfolds; Goliath challenged the Israelites and David volunteered to fight the Philistine. David chose to use his own familiar weapon of a sling and some smooth stones.  Goliath was  contemptuous of David’s lack of preparation for the battle, yet David said to Goliath: You come to me with a sword and a spear and a shield. But I come to thee in the name of the Lord.  1 Samuel 17:45.

 We all know how the story unfolds: David, taking aim, and with one stone, finished off Goliath.  These stories from both the Old and New Testaments, are our stories too. The question then is to ask ourselves: “Is there a “Goliath” in my life?” How does this story relate to each one of us?  Are there not Goliaths in so many aspects of life in the world?  And we observe them in our daily news, in the media, in political positions, in work and family situations—in the fight for power between countries.

We may at times feel that what we are “up against” in our personal lives, leaves us  powerless. Where do we go from here? Well, ironically, a feeling of powerlessness is what usually brings us to that point where all we can do is give up our human power and surrender to the true Power that resides within each and every individual.

These stories are not just about events and people of bygone days–they carry valuable lessons too. When we are facing something challenging our powerlessness arises due to our trying to fight or oppose whatever we are facing or trying to “fix”. Often it may seem that we have a “giant” of a problem.  David simply stated he had come with no weapon, but he came in the name of God. And really that is the crux of the matter—the central point of the story!! As we proceed through life we can prove for ourselves this overcoming of the material or world aspects (represented by Goliath) by following the spiritual way.

Remember: God is first cause!! Have we forgotten the guidelines? Have we forgotten that in Truth there is freedom?  Have we forgotten that in Spirit we are all one?  Each story has God as its central point. Have we forgotten??

In Closing…….
The Truth stands, we might say, as our adversary and our friend. It is the adversary of our mortal mind, and the friend of our spiritual understanding. The Spirit of Truth opposes, or makes null and void, all mortal activities—not by acting against these false and seeming activities, for they are nothingness, but simply by being all there is.
Because God is all there is, it follows that as we lose our darkness, we find His Light. There was nothing but Light all the time. As we walk away from the flesh or mortal mind, we find that we are moving into the Presence of Reality. There was never any other presence but Reality. So, as we lay aside our personal selves, we find the Divine Self—which was always the only Self. “Deny yourself, and follow me.” said Jesus. That is the way out of our delusions. That is the way to the Truth which sets us free.  H.B. Jeffery—The Principle of Healing

Bountiful blessings,



















































































































































































































Newsletter – October 2024

Dear Friends,

Rising up, Renewed in Spirit.

Spring has arrived here in the  southern hemisphere, and the words: Behold, all things are made new, seem most fitting as we sense the subtle change in the weather and see new growth on the plants and trees in our gardens.  What is the reason or cause of this waking up in nature?  I believe that very importantly it comes about, not only with an increase in temperature, but, having been resting, or hibernating, nature and humans are now ready and recharged from within.

Rest—stopping and just being—plays a very important role in life.  As the season of Spring unfolds, we see plants and trees almost resurrected, as it were, transforming with green leaf buds and new blossoms. In the property next to my home, there are now 21 little lambs, so full of life, and it is a joy to watch them gambol about.

The story of that legendary bird, the phoenix, reminds us of renewal, when it is told that it enjoyed immortality that had to be renewed with fire every 500 years.  When we hear of the phoenix, it is associated with resurrection, triumph over challenges, and renewal—that which rises out of the ashes.  One can read about this legendary bird, and St. Clement, Bishop of Rome, in his epistle to the Corinthians, in Chapters 25 and 26, used this bird as an emblem of resurrection.

In order to emerge renewed, the phoenix had to stop and rest; and it was in the resting that purification occurred—it was in a sense reborn. Rest brings us to a place of purification because as we rest in Truth, our understanding is purified. Focused on truth, and through or from, this expansion of conscious understanding, we rise up again. We are renewed by knowing the truth, and literally “set free” from the bondage of limited thinking and believing.

We find ourselves set free from the burdens of life (often created by ourselves) as we allow the truth from within to rise up and live us on purpose. This truth lies dormant while we play around looking for something more exciting in life—until we have nowhere else to turn. Our way of living needs to sacrificed—ashed—and then we emerge transformed and renewed.  We have an opportunity to wake up and give over to God, to truth, by giving up our human angst and rest in WHAT IS.

While some may have personal challenges, let us see them for what they are. Maybe changes are facing  us, personally and in the workplace. All of these are opportunities to rise up anew. Yet our rising up occurs after we have taken time to BE STILL; after we have taken time, deep within, to commune with the Inner Presence; after we have taken time to stop and LISTEN.

At Spring time each year, we see nature seemingly coming back to life. The really vibrant colours of blossoms on the trees; the  green of leaves against the blue sky. All this arising in a seeming wondrous way, yet all coming from the One Source of all creation.  The sap is not only rising in the plants, and trees, it is rising in us too, as we practice awareness. And through this renewed awareness, we too, rise up like the phoenix from the ashes.  As we embrace the truth—the truth within each individual, within all creation, we rise up, renewed in Spirit.

In Closing…..
Why should we fear to wait upon God with a perfect willingness that the Holy Spirit manifest itself through us as it will, knowing that, whatever the manifestation, it will be good – all good to us and to those around us.

Oh, for more men who have the courage to abandon themselves utterly to infinite will – men who dare let go every human being for guidance, and, seeking the Christ within themselves, let the manifestation be what He (God) wills.

Such courage might possibly mean and probably would mean at first, a seeming failure, a going down from some apparent success that had been in the past.  But the going down would only mean the mighty coming up, a most glorious resurrection of God into visibility through you in His own chosen way, right here and now.  The failure, for the time, would only mean a grand, glorious success a little later on.

Turn to the divine presence within yourself.  Seek Him. Be still before Him.  Wait upon God quietly, earnestly, but constantly and trustingly, for days, weeks, if need be.  Let Him work in you, and sooner or later you will spring up into a resurrected life of newness and power that you never before dreamed of.
H. Emilie Cady – Lessons in Truth

Bountiful blessings,





Newsletter – August 2024

Dear Friends,

“Are We Awake to the Dynamics of the Kingdom Within?”

I begin this month with some passages from scripture.  We seem generally in Life today to be standing at a “crossroads” in many aspects.  I trust that as we proceed, the intention in the message will become clear.
Matthew 7:13,14 Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it.  For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Isaiah 30:21  Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “this is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.
Jeremiah 6:16  Thus says the Lord: stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.  But they said, ‘we will not walk in it.’
These passages are about choices. And we may wonder why the narrow way, when the other path looks so much easier. Life is difficult anyway.  The choices we have made to date, individually and collectively, have brought us to the point where we are today. We may feel that these passages of scripture are redundant, yet I believe they hold a wonderful message now.  Each refers to the need for choice and our world today, perhaps more than ever before, points (generally) to us having forgotten that there is another way to BE.

Let us look at the verses under consideration and perceive them from a mystical point of view:
Enter through the narrow gate…………..
 This is the way, walk in it..
 Ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is ….

 What does this require of us? We would, I am sure, all like to experience a different way of life—a more peaceful way of being, yet are we prepared to give up the things of the world for the kingdom that is not of it?
The wider gate in Matthew refers to following the crowd and getting caught up in the daily dramas and human atrocities.  Are we buried in a mire of human behaviour? Where is the kingdom now? When do we make time for what is REAL, when all the time we are focusing on what appears to be so?  In our Teaching, it is first in mind, then in manifestation. What we believe about life we experience!
In Isaiah, we have the words: This is the way, walk in it…..We do have another option. These passages found in many other traditions as well, need to be revisited, because they do show the way.
In Jeremiah we have the words: ask for the ancient paths.

The wide gate and path sweeps humanity along the road to nowhere. Yet ultimately we cannot be what we are not; and when we turn our attention away from all of the stuff of the world, we do find the kingdom within. We find a way of Being, that the ancients, and many since have proved for themselves.

We are at a wonderful point in life!  At a point, I believe, when we are ready to understand this inner realm of the Presence of God. The gate may be narrow, yet from our intentional venturing through and along, our vision expands; the Presence always with us, is experienced… and we realize there can be no other way.  We enter into the dynamics of a kingdom promised to ALL.  A kingdom that cannot be conceived of, or perceived by the human mind!

In Closing…….
 Put your faith and belief in the Whole Spirit—the wholeness and the allness of the only One there is. This One knows your every need and supplies your every want.  So when man (male and female) takes the right position of at-one-ment with God, and justly and lawfully represents this oneness, he knows his own needs and supplies them.  He can understandingly say, “I do what I see the Father doing.”  Fatherhood is mine, source and cause I am.  “We are co-workers together with God.”   We can make no mistake when we conform to the Law of Unity.  Go hand in hand with the All in All.
 Malinda Cramer – Divine Science and Healing

Bountiful blessings,



















































































































































































































Newsletter – June 2023

Dear Friends,

“Are We Moving Forward In Faith?”

How easy is it to be honest with ourselves when so much all around us, at so many different levels of life seems to be changing; when more seems to be “unknown” than ever before? The other morning, sitting quietly, viewing the open countryside all around me, I was aware of deep peace.  I took some photos with my phone. Then it came to me that these pictures were not peace; it only appeared that way because at that very moment, I was experiencing inner peace.

We can at any time stop and check ourselves, especially when feeling overwhelmed with what we feel may need to be achieved in the day.  And remember for ourselves: I can only breathe in one breath at a time, and it is the breath of God breathing me.  And it is the EXPERIENCE OF FAITH that is the main topic under discussion.  We are continually having different experiences each day and the experiences are those felt at the heart, mind and soul levels. So, ultimately what we hold in mind at any point in the day, we experience throughout each and every cell in our bodies as well.

It was interesting to watch and listen to an interview with Matthew Fox the other day.  Recently, it has been mentioned by some who have indicated they are not religious, they are spiritual.  What does this really mean?  Well, Matthew Fox stated it thus: “Spirituality is really the experiential side of our religion!”  This makes sense when we take into consideration that: there is no God, until you experience It. (words spoken by Dr. Salazar during his very first visit to ACT in 1997)  It makes sense because to know about God, intellectually, leaves us feeling quite empty. Knowing that Inner Presence—experiencing It, being aware of It, makes all the difference.

As we move forward in life, we are challenged to move forward in a different way.  It seems that currently there are 22 wars going on in the world.  Have we really come to that, on this planet?  We are part of a new and purposeful time as a new world is emerging, through consciousness. Are we ready and is our faith intact?

Perhaps one of the most important aspects to get our heads around is to view the Bible differently and to see the New Testament as the NOW Testament.  What does this mean?  Perhaps time to investigate the teachings of Jesus at a very different level.   It means living the principles of Truth that never change; it means catching up in consciousness, to what already and really is.  Instead of participating in the destruction of our planet, let us wake up, take a stand, and shift toward the idea, the realization, of ONENESS!  One with God; our true Oneness with all creation.  There is a call for us all to turn within, and through a deeper knowing, move forward in faith

Faith in that, which is not of this world.  This is the faith that Jesus promoted in his Teachings—the faith, and peace, that eludes us when we focus our attention on a material world.  Our faith and trust moves us into a deep realization of the Oneness of all Life, and we are ready for the Now Testament—the ancient wisdom, the principles of Life, as together in uplifted consciousness we’re ready to emerge into a World made new for all!

In Closing…….
 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.
And I saw a holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband; and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying:
 “Behold, the dwelling of God is with men.  He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
 And he who sat upon the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”
Revelation Chapter 21

Bountiful blessings,








Newsletter – May 2024

Dear Friends,

“The Still Small Voice”
In our early education we are taught the alphabet; we are taught how to read and write, to add and subtract.   What we are not taught, is how to think. We are not taught from an early age how very important awareness is, regarding our thoughts.

We read in scripture: “As a man thinketh, so is he.” And this includes each and every individual.  Are our thoughts lifting us up in consciousness, or pulling us down into a depressed and unhappy state?  And as indicated by Marianne Williamson: “The suffering of the world is not the point of human existence; the point of human existence is that in God all suffering ends.”

You many wonder what this has to do with our thoughts.  Well, everything, actually: and to borrow from Gary Zukav’s book, Seat of the Soul, he indicates: “Competition for external power lies at the heart of all violence.”  We are aware that at this time, all around the globe we are hearing (and seeing) reports of violence in so many different countries, including our own.

Intention relates to daily living and each and every choice we make.  Every thought we think has a consequence; every choice we make has a consequence.  It is awareness that brings us to a point of asking ourselves:  “do I really want the consequence of what I am thinking now?  And are my current thoughts bringing me joy?

Thoughts carry an energy – a vibration – and what we think (and how we think) shines through.  Our thoughts can be seen and felt.  Thoughts have impacted mass consciousness to the degree that we are now seeing the consequences all around us.  We really do need to return to the realization that in God, all suffering ends.

It is in our responses to the day to day challenges that we either choose trust and love, or let fear diminish us.  And I believe that we are being challenged, perhaps more than before, to realize the divine Presence in all of creation.  We come back to the principle of Omnipresence.   God, in, through, and as all!

How do we bring ourselves “back” to the understanding that there is no place where God is not?  How do we move beyond the intellectual idea of this truth?  By becoming still—having no expectation, and just listening for the STILL SMALL VOICE.

Instead of seeking power in the outer things of the world let us heed and follow an inner path that so many wise souls have given us direction toward, over the many, many years, having proved the Inner Presence for themselves.  And of course the directive is to BE STILL.  An absolute last resort for so many as we continue our struggles in the world.

It is interesting to point out that ultimately we all share One God.  Our point of origin in Life is the same.  An interesting way of stating it comes from Joseph Campbell in these words from Thou Art That: Transforming Religious Metaphor, and I share his words:  “Apocalypse does not point to a fiery Armageddon but to the fact that our ignorance and our complacency are coming to an end… The exclusivism of there being only one way in which we can be saved, the idea that there is a single religious group that is in sole possession of the truth—that is the world as we know it that must pass away. What is the kingdom? It lies in our realization of the ubiquity of the divine presence in our neighbors, in our enemies, in all of us.”

In Closing…….

 22 And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on.
 23 The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment.
24 Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?
25 And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?
 26 If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest?
 27 Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
 28 If then God so clothe the grass, which is today in the field, and tomorrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?
 29 And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind.
30 For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.
 31 But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.
 32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
 LUKE 12:22-32

Bountiful blessings,

























































































































































































































Newsletter – April 2024

Dear Friends,

“Recognizing Our Spiritual Identities”

On the ACT website the following words are to be found:  “ACT is a touchstone for all those seeking a deeper meaning to life.”  Here the word touchstone is of vital importance, as it indicates that individuals are not expected to swear “allegiance” to ACT, or be held accountable in any way, except to themselves and their own soul-growth.  There is a sense of “freedom,” if you like in not being bound in any way.  As a Centre for Spiritual Awareness, a sense of achievement arises, when it is perceived that those who have connected with us, or come through the classes, are using the Principles of Truth, that ultimately are available to all.

Divine Science has given us a wonderful platform from which to work and teach, understanding that it is A WAY to understanding Truth, acknowledging that Universal Consciousness, the One, operates via many avenues in Life. These Truth Principles, taught and shared through the consciousness of mystics throughout the ages, remain; yet we, specially in the world today, need constant reminders.

Life at the moment is full of challenges and real uncertainty – and that could be considered to be an understatement.  Are we paying heed to what is going on at the world level?  Not denying it, yet perhaps giving it all our attention, and thus forgetting these Principles that we have learned and ultimately do know?  When Life is changing as rapidly as it has and is, do we still remember?

You see, it depends on whether we are viewing life from a spiritual knowing, or from a merely human perspective.  This knowing takes practice – it takes work – an inner knowing and trust.  Our work is to access that which IS, and has been, from the beginning and always will be.

One of the points that has always been stressed, is that TRUTH CANNOT BE WATERED DOWN, to fit in with mass consciousness and understanding.  Our only true need in fact, is to become aware of Spirit.  And when we awaken to the One – One Source of all Being; all creation; from this consciousness of deep realization will come the solution to any problems or challenges; because what we are doing then is allowing that which is, the All in All, to manifest through us in every aspect of Life as it is destined to do and be.

Our purpose in Life is to KNOW God.  To Be Still, and Know. It is not a forced knowing – we do not have to TRY.  It is the most important thing we can do for ourselves; and when the knowing arises and is recognized, it is followed by a deep sense of gratitude.  More than ever it is time to embrace the truth of our being, accept our spiritual identities, embrace the teaching of many who have gone before us, and prove it for ourselves.

In Closing…….
 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, and he leadeth beside the still waters.
 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Bountiful blessings,


















































































































































































































Newsletter – March 2024

Dear Friends,

“Who we are in Truth needs to be experienced”

Years ago, I treasured a little booklet entitled, “The Mental Equivalent,” by Emmet Fox, and I quote very briefly:  “We are all supremely interested in one subject.  There is one thing that means more to us than all the other things in the world put together, and that is our search for God and the understanding of His nature.  The aim of the metaphysical movement is to teach the practice of the presence of God.”

Emmet Fox was an Irish New Thought spiritual leader of the early 20th century, primarily through  years of the Great Depression, until his death in 1951.  His large Divine Science church services were held in New York City.  We might ask ourselves today: “have we come any closer in our understanding of this Presence that is with us always, and that the deeper meaning of Life is Spiritual?

In the world, we appear to be stuck in a groove.  And we seem to have recurring issues involving man’s inhumanity to man.  Has the groove  become deeper through our own constant attention to what is not serving us; not serving the whole of humanity in fact?  The door to peace opens inward, as does a deeper understanding of Life.—time taken to Be Still, is of the utmost value.  We cannot understand Truth at the level of the world;  and as Fox states in the booklet: “we are operating at this level when we constantly hold mental equivalents of what is not true!”  Who we are in Truth needs to be experienced by each individual; and then to live our lives from that experience.

In the booklet, Fox states: “We are all living in some kind of prison, some of us in one kind, some in another; some in a prison of lack, some in a prison of remorse and resentment, some in a prison of blind, unintelligent fear, some in a prison of sickness.  But always the prison is in our thought and not in the nature of things.”

We might ask ourselves what it is that we may  be allowing ourselves to be “imprisoned” by, and then ask the question of ourselves: “why?”  Spiritual law works—works through consciousness when we are aligned with the truth of our being, and realize that God is all.  Our real need is for conscious union and communion with God—this Inner Presence that is with us always.  Silent Communion is indeed the highest form of prayer.  We need to remember and take time to BE STILL, IN THE PRESENCE, without any expectation …Just to BE.  This in fact, is our only need in Life; and so often is the one directive on the spiritual map that we avoid or turn to, as a last resort.

How can we fulfill our part or reason for being, if we are not opening ourselves to be the channels for receptivity to God’s directives? And in the words of Emmet Fox:  The art of life is to live in the present moment, and to make that moment as perfect as we can by the realization that we are the instruments and expression of God Himself.

In Closing…….

 Divine Science sees God’s creation like its Creator, eternally perfect, and untouched by human thought.  The creation of God is eternal; the misconception about it is temporal. Spirit is always expressing in terms of perfection; there is nothing that needs healing in God-Life.  Where God is, there Substance is, whole and perfect, and God is in all places at all times.  There is no place where God is not.  What is it, then,  that is ill and sinful?  It is only our thought of the body; it is not the Body, the temple of the living God; and remember there is only One Body—the God-Body.  Divine Science knows one Substance—Spirit—and one Mind—Universal Intelligence.  You and I are included in this Mind.  All that we see with true vision is Spirit brought forth.   NONA L. BROOKS—MYSTERIES

Bountiful blessings,











































































































































































































Newsletter – September 2023

Dear Friends,

“Let The Will Of God Be Done On Earth.”

Contained in the Lord’s Prayer we have the words: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  As most of us already know, the Lord’s Prayer, uttered in Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke, is always in the present tense.  Years ago, at the start of school assembly, I remember we recited the Lord’s Prayer. It was rattled off parrot fashion, really without thought or meaning.

Perhaps today we need to be taking stock, not of religion per se but of the philosophy of the teaching of Jesus and others.  In fact we teach Divine Science as a practical way to live life, following the laws of Spirit that are not dogmatic, but applicable in all aspects of life; therefore they are “user friendly.”

It is no good merely having the theory of how to live life, and then not apply it.  Much the same would be to learn how to read music and then never pick up an instrument……what good would that do? It is important that we align with the principles of living life—if we knew notes of music and played them haphazardly, there would be no rhythm.

We are told in scripture to “take no thought,” and of course as we investigate life, we will come to realize that ultimately, every thought is a prayer—as a man thinketh, so is he!”  In our Statement of Being the focus is on the Omnipresence of God.  God—present in all IT’s Creation; in every blade of grass, leaf on every tree, in and as every soul on the planet, as well as the animals.  Every aspect of creation carries, and is part of, this Originating Intelligence.

Why do we not trust it? All struggle and strife is at the dual level of the world, where we experience good, bad, etc. Do we let the “stories of the world” affect us?  The new “buzz word,” artificial intelligence, also referred to as AI, appears to be taking the world by storm, and some folk are concerned about this. While I do not profess to even understand any of this, we could, from moment to moment remember who we are in Truth, and refer instead to OI—Omnipresent Intelligence.

As we recognize where our thoughts are taking  us, let us remember that each day can be a new beginning, and that we live our lives, whether we realize it or not, in the omnipresence of the One Creative Source of the universe.  The most important aspect to realize is that heaven is a state in consciousness, and only when we are aware and ready to observe what it is we habitually carry in our own consciousness, can we transcend the ups and downs of this world, and merge with the Presence.

There is order in the universe; a flock of birds will rise up en masse into the sky and not collide with each other.  We look at a beautiful moon, cloud formations, green valleys, our country, populated with amazing animals and wildlife and then we still, at times, have the audacity not to trust.  Prayer is union and communion with God, in the Silence.  We deny this Presence when we pray to God to do something for us, when all that is required is that we BE STILL… and take no thought.

Meister Eckhart, the 13th century mystic, indicated the following:  “The most powerful prayer, one well-nigh omnipotent, and the worthiest work of all is the outcome of a quiet mind.  The quieter it is the more powerful, the worthier, the deeper, the more telling and more perfect the prayer is.  To the quiet mind all things are possible.  What is a quiet mind?  A quiet mind is one which nothing weighs on, nothing worries, which, free from ties and from all self-seeking, is wholly merged into the will of God and dead to its own.”

In Closing…….  There is no higher goal attainable on earth than an inner communication with this Presence that never leaves us nor forsakes us.  It does not send us food, clothing, and housing.  It does not lead us to a fortress or a high tower; it literally is the fortress and high tower.  There is no sending of anything; there is no giving of anything, except the giving of Itself.

 When the realization of the omnipresence of God is attained, there is freedom from worry, fear, lack and limitation.  If a need appears, we retire within and tabernacle with this Presence, and in due time, It will appear outwardly as the very form of our experience.

 As we come to this place in consciousness where we are able to relinquish human might and power, human opinion and judgement, a divine Grace, invisible, yet perfectly tangible to the person experiencing it, takes over.  We cannot see this transcendental Spirit, hear It, taste It, touch It, or smell It, yet It is here and It is now—we feel it and we know It. 

Bountiful blessings,










































































































































































































Newsletter – June 2023

Dear Friends,

“The Measure of Life”

Life…..and I usually refer to “Life” with a capital “L”, is changing…evolving…so how we reference this Life we are living now, also needs to change.  In our world, as humans, measurement plays a large role in life:  we measure distance, rainfall, time, our money in the bank, our self-worth, even our intelligence, and so on.  The intention at this time is that we move our attention – our focus – onto the TRUE MEASURE OF LIFE, which ironically is beyond measure as in Truth there are no limits. And we are part of this vast measureless universe. It is the sacred mystery that has nothing to do with our small-minded human “doings.”

Obviously in our day to day living there are times when measurements in the world do apply.  Soon building will begin on my cottage and great care has to be taken by the builder to ensure that the building fits the plans.  But there is another way of doing this, of measuring our worth and our treasures.

I read a book some years ago, by Credo Mutwa, entitled: “Song of the Stars,” and in the final chapter entitled: The Boundaries of Human Life, he stated that when people discovered God, they discovered a shapeless, featureless, endless entity with which no-one could cope, and so in order to handle the mystery of God, man reduced that mystery to a shape that he could recognize and therefore understand.  To me this explained so well that we seem to have the need to have things “boxed in” or defined by a specific shape, size, or description according to our human perceptions.  And yet these perceptions occur through so many filters and really are so limiting.

When we know who we are in Truth, and that in Truth (Spiritually) we are all equal, then we will find ourselves lifted in conscious acceptance, ready to experience a way of life that is promised to us.  “I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.”  We are each like individual snowflakes falling from the same cloud; tiny, very fine, perfectly patterned and beautiful.  Yet, we need to remember that an avalanche is made up of tiny, individual, seemingly harmless flakes, and together in avalanche form can have a tremendous impact on an environment.

I read a book some years ago, by Credo Mutwa, entitled: “Song of the Stars,” and in the final chapter entitled: The Boundaries of Human Life, he stated that when people discovered God, they discovered a shapeless, featureless, endless entity with which no-one could cope, and so in order to handle the mystery of God, man reduced that mystery to a shape that he could recognize and therefore understand.  To me this explained so well that we seem to have the need to have things “boxed in” or defined by a specific shape, size, or description according to our human perceptions.  And yet these perceptions occur through so many filters and really are so limiting.

When we know who we are in Truth, and that in Truth (Spiritually) we are all equal, then we will find ourselves lifted in conscious acceptance, ready to experience a way of life that is promised to us.  “I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.”  We are each like individual snowflakes falling from the same cloud; tiny, very fine, perfectly patterned and beautiful.  Yet, we need to remember that an avalanche is made up of tiny, individual, seemingly harmless flakes, and together in avalanche form can have a tremendous impact on an environment.

Just think that if each of us could “see” beyond the human confines we have set ourselves and know through the experience of individual revelation, who we are in Truth, and then come together as an avalanche of spiritual understanding, what a huge impact that could make?  Every truth in spirit is already established, awaiting our recognition and acceptance.  We teach that God is omnipresent, but it is only through our spiritual consciousness that we will realize and know this Presence that is with us always.  It is only through our spiritual consciousness that we will recognize the kingdom.

We speak of being the offspring of God.  We repeat the words: “I and the Father are One,” and while this is true in the Absolute Sense, it is not true in our experience until we realize it for ourselves.  So….what is stopping us?  Maybe we are measuring ourselves as less than worthy because we are still doubting our divine heritage.  Maybe our human minds are trying to comprehend the extent of the truth of which we are a part.  And our human minds will not comprehend it.  It is not a human experience, but rather an  unlimited, spiritual one.

In Closing…….
 A Daily Remembrance
The purpose of prayer is not to change God, but to change ourselves.  When we pray we are affirming the nearness and responsiveness and availability of God.  There is no attempt in prayer to manipulate God.  Prayer has nothing to do with convincing God of our need.
God as All wisdom, All knowledge, and All understanding knows just what to do and when to do it.  Prayer is to commune with God.  In prayer we respond to Him.  We become open and receptive to Him.
This Principle of Pure Wisdom is not a heartless ruler.  This infinite Intelligence enfolds us in His Infinite Love.  There is no hurt in His love, no punishment, no limitation.
God is the Presence of perfect peace, total forgiveness, infinite supply.  And He is with you and in you.  This indwelling Presence of Total Good is the only source of Wholeness and well-being.  Prayer is answered “not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord.  – Dr Al G. Salazar

Bountiful blessings,




































































































































































































































































































































































































Newsletter – November 2022

Dear Friends,

“Equal Opportunity”

Are we ready to accept that in life we do have equal opportunity?  It is the equal opportunity in consciousness that is the focus of this message.  After all, at the core of our being…at the point of origination as an idea in the mind of God, we are all equal. Are we ready to consider this…to believe it?

What we  initially perceive as  a challenge in life,  blocking our way forward, may in fact be one of our greatest gifts—causing us to stop and take stock.  Time to rethink and rediscover a new way of seeing life.  In Genesis we read: “and God saw all that he had made…and it was good.”  What has happened to that goodness? Has it become something else, or even disappeared?  No!! What God created still is and always will be…!

In the world we live in,  made aware of “new” illnesses, “new” cures, “new” diets and so on, we get caught up in  these things and they become our reality. Why do we need the new diet or cure? Because the belief is that there is something to be healed.  We look at curing or fixing the physical or even psychological ailment, yet the belief in these ailments still remains, with many of the human illnesses giving rise to much fear in individuals. Bearing in mind that each of us originates as an idea from God mind, then surely we can see that we are working at cross-purposes to Truth much of the time. Is health not our natural state?

Firstly, we need to look beyond human conditions and realize that what we are, at the point of origination, cannot change. The way in which we can experience BEING AT ONE WITH GOD is in our conscious knowing of IT.

Secondly, to recognize that any challenge or suffering is a way to grab our attention. In this second step we can easily miss the point by trying to “fix” the suffering and putting all our attention on that, when we could be asking ourselves: “what is this really all about?” It is about remembering that, which deep down, we already know: truth resides in consciousness; and we are not governed by mental or physical laws, but by the law of Spirit. Our belief in anything other than God and spiritual law is really our only problem in life.

Thirdly, Being consciously receptive. And it is during our quiet times and meditation that guidance is revealed.

We need to be reminded that equal opportunity has nothing to do with the human condition, because all begins in the invisible Source of Spirit. We embrace the truth of God as absolute and omnipresent Good, expressing as, and through, each individual.  This belief in consciousness then, is carried through into our world of experience, and we become receptive to the treasures on our respective paths.

Do we realize that we are living out our beliefs?  We have equal opportunity to believe in, and accept, as much of the truth as we can embrace in consciousness and thereby enjoy the fruits of Spirit that are ours by divine birthright. It is only in consciousness that we are receptive and ready for all, that as children of God, we have been promised.

Let us see the challenges for what they really are.  Let us be ready and receptive to understand and acknowledge in consciousness the gift of Truth in these words: “Son/daughter, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.”

In Closing……  Many people believe peace and joy come when conditions are what they want them to be.  Peace comes when the doctor tells us the tumor is benign. We are joyful when we are picked for the new assignment.  For too long peace and joy have originated in earthly conditions. When this happens, peace and joy are fleeting.  We want them to be constant companions, but they are like fickle friends.  They come, and they go.  There is a peace that passes understanding and a joy that is boundless.  People throughout all the ages have experienced peace and joy transcending earthly conditions.  In fact, in stressful conditions peace has come as a forerunner of greater good. Joy has been experienced while sitting alone late at night. The truth is the world has no peace or joy for us.  When we are consciously one with God, there is peace and joy. When we lose our sense of oneness, then peace and joy are gone.   At least this is the way it seems, but the truth is peace and joy are innate to us.  They are part of our spiritual nature.  When we are consciously one with   Spirit, what is innate to us can be experienced.   Jim Rosemergy – A Closer Walk With God

Bountiful blessings,


Photo  of giraffes by Daniel Naude