Newsletter – April 2016

Dear Friends,

“Be still, and know”

In our experience of living in the world, we cannot kid ourselves that there will always be peace, joy, and love when we devote ourselves to following a spiritual path. So what does it really mean for us when we talk about peace in the midst of confusion, and following the Christ Way of life?

So often we read words of wisdom, or hear them spoken, but we do not relate to them ourselves. In other words, perhaps, do we not set ourselves apart from (or aside from) recognizing that all are included in the story of Life? We need the connection to who and what we are in Truth.

This little story will, I trust, explain further: It was a cold winter morning in the metro station in Washington D.C. and commuters were hurrying to their various destinations. A man was playing a violin next to one wall, and had the case open at his feet for donations. He played six Bach pieces over a period of 43 minutes. A few people stopped and listened for a moment or two then hurried on their way. The most attentive listener was a three-year-old boy who stopped, but his mother tugged him along.

The musician finally counted $32.00 from the case, put the instrument away and disappeared into the crowd with no applaud or thanks. No-one had realized that the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the world’s greatest violin virtuosos. Only days earlier he had played to a sold-out crowd at $100.00 a ticket.

This impromptu concert had been sponsored by the Washington Post as a social experiment to see if people could perceive greatness in their midst, if they were not informed of it beforehand. The commuters had not expected genius, so they completely overlooked the gift of a free concert. They were too busy!

Can this be said of us as well? Are we too busy to recognize greatness in our midst, to hear music beautifully played, to drink in wisdom from words read or heard, to absorb the beauty and mystery that nature offers every day? In other words, what is it in bypassing these things, that we hope to achieve?

When we investigate the Christ Way of living, we realize immediately that Jesus was not bound to the world. He was bound to Truth, and lived out of that truth in all that he did and set the great example for each of us. So we are not speaking of the Jesus way, but the Christ Way of living. It is not about the man, known as Jesus, but about the consciousness through which he expressed himself and lived his life. So really his human name is not as relevant as his knowing of truth and living that truth.

You know, life is evolving at all levels and my focus in particular is on evolving consciousness. We are these days hearing of, or reading articles about, and maybe even talking about “mysticism” and living the mystical life. It is becoming the norm. Because even with all the distractions of the world there is that deep, deep need within us all, calling us to something more.

To answer that call and be part of the “something more” in life, we have to give up control. It is about understanding that life is a process of unfolding in understanding and awareness. Earlier this week in speaking with someone who was advising us on our website, it was said that we need to keep the message simple for the masses. And at the risk of sounding facetious, we are not about the masses. We are not trying to sell something; we share a message for those ready to hear, ready to recognize, and ready to be.

And the message (Truth) cannot be watered down. It is the message or teaching of universal spiritual principle applicable to all, no matter background, age or creed. Truth is truth and cannot be changed. Jesus never watered down his message, that is why with some he was none too popular. He proved his truth, which we were told is the same for all, yet how many are following and living this truth?

There is an urge deep within us all to: “Be Still, and Know.” And it is knowing in consciousness. Once we have discovered Truth (even to a miniscule degree) in consciousness, we cannot lose it or ‘un-know’ it.

Humanly we have studied the teachings of Jesus, and his great “double-love” commandment to love first God and then our neighbor as ourselves. In order to love God, we need to experience God – experience being in the Presence – in the stillness without taking human thought.

So, maybe finally, we will give up the human beliefs that distract us from Truth and realize the value in taking time to Be Still. The story of the violin being played by a master violinist for all to stop and enjoy, so well illustrates how our scurried busyness takes us away from moments of shared greatness. In the hectic moments and pace of daily human living it requires that we practice awareness of the Presence within until it becomes a habit. Stop and put God first. This is the solution to every problem.

SUNDAY SERVICES: All are welcome to join us each week as we take time to Be Still, in Silent Meditation, and then share a Lesson in Truth Principles. NB. Childcare is available if you phone us on Friday before 10:00am to arrange.

Meditation – 09:30 to 09:45
Service – 09:45 to 10:30

03 Rev. Elizabeth Dugmore
10 Rosemary Batchelor
17  Rev. Mallory Kretzmann
24  Sylvia van Zyl

12:00 NOON – MEDITATION: We remind you that our Sanctuary is open Tuesday to Friday from 12 noon to 1pm for meditation. All are welcome to come in, and Be Still for any part of the hour. In this month of April, our candle will be lit for Faith.

ACT MEMBERS’ MARKET: The market this month will be held on Sunday 17 April. Members who have “wares” to sell are welcome to do so on the allocated Sunday, and set up in the outside venue. On this Sunday tea will be served out on the veranda. Sellers to provide own table cloth and please book a table by Friday 18 March, 11:00 – call the office 041-5813309. Set up must be before the Service, to avoid any disturbance, and enable venue to be locked during the Service. Sellers to tithe 10% of their sales towards the renovation of the “new” venue space. We look forward to enthusiastic participation by all.

DIVINE SCIENCE MEDITATION CLASS: You are invited to join Mallory for this 10 week course of instruction, using the Lord’s Prayer as a guide to the practical application of meditation in our daily lives. We will also investigate Meditation and Concentration Techniques that quieten and focus the mind.
Commencing: Wednesday 13 April at 7:00 pm.
Investment: R550.00 for course
There is a list for names on the notice board, and you may also phone to book your space in the class.

ACT WORKDAY: We look forward to you joining us on Saturday 16 April from 09:00 to 12 noon. The usual gardening activities are open to volunteers as well as some painting and repair work. We would like to restore our now ‘antique’ round (fibreglass) tables which have acquired a few chips and chunks off their rounded edges. Any suggestions on how these can be repaired and maybe painted, would be valued. Call Sylvia on 083-7082857, ahead of time to discuss your tasks. Tea/coffee and muffins will be served and for those who wish to linger and socialise, you may bring a lunch to share and cool refreshments.

WE EXTEND CONDOLENCES TO: Lesley Rielly and her family. Lesley’s husband Ed, passed away last Monday and I know you join me in supporting her with love, knowing that Ed’s soul has been released to its next experience of living.

THE R5000.00 DRAW: The draw date has been extended due to tickets still needing to be sold. The draw will now take place after our Thanksgiving Service on Sunday 20 June. Please rally your support so we meet our target of at least R5000.00 being made for ACT, after awarding the R5000.00 cash prize. We sincerely thank those who have participated thus far.

DIVINE SCIENCE U.K. – We look forward to continuous connection with our friends and associates in Truth, in the U.K., and remind anyone now residing in England, or visiting there, of the contact details:

Revs. Dave and Ishbel Bailey – e-mail:   Ph: 01892 752085

In Closing…..

 I share with you these words from “The Spirit of Prayer” by H.B. Jeffery

“Our prayer is a state of intense inner activity, though we experience it in stillness. The out-bound perception is stilled and all the outer senses are quiet, inert, inactive. But within, there is the intense action of the Spirit, which is the living energy, the mighty force, the moving power of the Divine Presence.”

Bountiful blessings,