Newsletter – Dec 2015 & Jan 2016

Dear Friends,

Truth is a Unifier

This month I begin my message with a question: What is the next step? And I believe that it is a question that we need to ask ourselves, and the time to really consider the possible answer is now……no matter who we are, what our respective ages are, or any other personal statistics.

I came across the following in a book I was paging through recently – one of those books that seem to pop out and offer exactly what is being sought, without any effort, and this is what I read:

More than ever before in the history of the world, men are crying for peace. The world’s enlightened leaders are urging reciprocity, which is but another way of saying “unity.” Our own country – these United States – seeks to pass on the ideal of its forefathers, that “union” is strength,” and that liberty and union are one and inseparable, now and forever, whether applied to a nation or to an entire universe.

The author continues: The cardinal doctrine of the Christian church certainly should be spiritual unity, yet we know that such unity is not practiced. Truth is a unifier, yet it is no secret that denominational discord has driven thousands of people away from church affiliation.

Now my intention is not to promote or push church membership, but I really found these words quite apt, especially as they were taken from a book published in 1935! And has the situation really changed?   I highlight the words: truth is a unifier, in these words taken from Richard Lynch’s book entitled: “Usable Truth,” because we often overlook this fact. No one religion has exclusivity to Truth – it is available to all, yet unifying Truth, somehow seems to get lost many times as it is overshadowed by the focus on rules, regulations and what seems to separate, rather than unite.

Recently (15 – 19 Oct) The Parliament of the World’s Religions was held in Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. I remember being privileged to attend this parliament in Cape Town in 1999, together with Lynne MacKenzie and Lydia Dinkelmann. It was an amazing experience because it brought to my attention how many different paths there are to God; to Truth. And each belief system is in many, or most, instances, held to be right for the respective followers.

This year they were anticipating 10,000 people attending, from 80 nations, representing 50 faiths. So many people from so many different backgrounds, yet all seeking the same peace, the same wisdom, the same love, essentially the same God.

Since Richard Lynch wrote the book, Usable Truth, published in 1935, until now, we are still seeking the same Truth. Yet what is our motive? Are we really seeking God, or only remedies to our daily issues and problems? And over the years, to what point has our seeking brought us? And there are many questions in this vein, yet for me the most pertinent is: “what is the next step?”

One of the most straightforward ways to respond to this can be found in Goldsmith’s 1957 Infinite Way Letters, where he states: “You who now daily seek God for God alone – not for things or conditions or persons, but who want God for the love of God, for union with God – will usher in the next step of unfoldment……..”

And in his book, “Beyond Words & Thoughts,” he, Goldsmith states: “The meaning of all true religion is in the experience”.

Our religion (our personal connection with God) is in the very experience of the Presence, when we are not striving for anything to be fixed, but rather BEING what we are intended to be: conduits for the Creator’s expression and love.

Consciousness is the instrument through which to express; express the gifts of spirit that are forever ours, awaiting our awareness and recognition. We don’t for instance get wisdom, or peace, or joy, or love from “out there” – it comes from within our very own consciousness when we align with, or unify with our truth.

And this is the next step of unfoldment, or evolvement, in global consciousness: to realize that we are not only all after the same thing, or goal, or destiny, but essentially are the same and already have it. Truth is the unifier and truth resides within the consciousness of each individual.

And before we can experience unity in our own communities, in our own respective countries, or globally, we need the experience of our unity with God.

When we are giving our attention to needing something, or seeing something that we feel needs healing, then we are not giving our attention to God. So the energy then builds up on the idea of what seems to be lacking or wrong or diseased, and we leave God out of the picture without realizing it.

Only when there is a change in consciousness – when enough individuals take the next step, seeking God for God alone – will be reach that so-called critical mass in consciousness which will in turn form the tipping point taking us firmly towards the peace, joy, love and better life we desire to see in the world. It does not begin in the world – it begins with you and me, in consciousness. The only need we have is to experience God.


SUNDAY SERVICES: All are welcome to join us each week as we take time to Be Still, in Silent Meditation, and then share a Lesson in Truth Principles. NB. Childcare is available if you phone us on Friday before 10:00am to arrange.

Meditation – 09:30 to 09:45
Service – 09:45 to 10:30

SPEAKERS – December:
06  Rosemary Batchelor
13   Rev. Mallory Kretzmann
20   Sylvia van Zyl
25   Rev. Mallory Kretzmann – Christmas Service – note early start time of 09:00am.

SPECIAL DATES TO DIARISE: Please follow link at ‘Dates to diarise’ on the home page for all December services. Also take note of the earlier starting time for the Christmas Service: 09:00am.

THANK YOU – to those folk who so kindly and cheerfully assisted at the recent Book Sale. Your enthusiasm is most valued.   We also extend our gratitude to those who donated books. There are quite a number of books remaining and we intend having another sale early next year.

MEMBERSHIP: The response to membership renewal has been really great and support for your Centre and the Teaching noted with gratitude. As per a decision taken by the Board, the issuing of membership cards will be discontinued, but as before, reminders will be sent out regarding membership renewal.

DIVINE SCIENCE U.K. – a reminder of the contact details for those now residing in the U.K., or visiting:
Revs. Dave and Ishbel Bailey – e-mail:   Ph: 01892 752085


In Closing…..

 I share these words taken from a booklet by Dr. Al Salazar entitled: A Willing Mind.


A wise man once expressed these words:

 “When we think of God we think of Infinite Truth.

When we think of Christ we think of Truth individualized.”

 Truth individualized is the Christ in us, the God in us responding as Total Good. To express the Christ does not mean belonging to one of the many Christian teachings. It is more than that. To be called a Christian is not the same as expressing the Christ.

It is when we recognize and understand the teachings of the Christ Jesus of the sacredness of your life and my life; His announcement that “one is our Father which is in heaven”; it is when we live outwardly in the world as children of the Most High that we begin expressing the Divinity which indwells us.

 The Christ Jesus came proclaiming that as children of God, whatever God is, we are. He expressed His Christ and told each one of us, “What I do, ye can do also.” We come into the world to prove individually that dominion in our world of experience is dependent upon the conscious awareness of our Divinity.

 This month we celebrate the good news that we are here to establish on earth the Perfect Idea of man in the Mind of God. The “Christ in you” is not only “the hope of glory” but God responding and expressing as you.

“Be ye perfect, as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”


Bountiful blessings,



The office will close after the Christmas Service and re-open on Tuesday 19 January.
The first Service in 2016 will be on Sunday 17 January.