Newsletter – Dec 2024/Jan 2025

Dear Friends,

How To Respond To The ‘Goliaths’ In Life.

In considering the story of David and Goliath, from the metaphysical point of view, it is easy to realize that there are many “Goliaths” in the global context, in our places of work or study, even in our own homes perhaps.  We identify these for ourselves, and once identified, at the metaphysical aspect of understanding, we are able to move toward the mystical approach.  Before we proceed though, it needs to be pointed out that in some instances, our very own thoughts can be Goliaths in our lives.

Taking a brief look at this well-known story, we find three key players: Saul was king at the time; David, a shepherd, had captured the king’s attention through the beautiful music he  played on the harp; and then Goliath, the Philistine who was a giant of a man and sheathed in the finest armour and carrying the best weaponry, challenged the Israelites.

Saul, also a big man, was not prepared to take up the challenge and face Goliath. Saul, metaphysically, signifies personal will—that which lies close to sense consciousness and found in us all.  Metaphysically, David represents divine love. Goliath, metaphysically, represents the erroneous belief that parades and tries to dominate our minds, creating fear.

In brief, the story unfolds; Goliath challenged the Israelites and David volunteered to fight the Philistine. David chose to use his own familiar weapon of a sling and some smooth stones.  Goliath was  contemptuous of David’s lack of preparation for the battle, yet David said to Goliath: You come to me with a sword and a spear and a shield. But I come to thee in the name of the Lord.  1 Samuel 17:45.

 We all know how the story unfolds: David, taking aim, and with one stone, finished off Goliath.  These stories from both the Old and New Testaments, are our stories too. The question then is to ask ourselves: “Is there a “Goliath” in my life?” How does this story relate to each one of us?  Are there not Goliaths in so many aspects of life in the world?  And we observe them in our daily news, in the media, in political positions, in work and family situations—in the fight for power between countries.

We may at times feel that what we are “up against” in our personal lives, leaves us  powerless. Where do we go from here? Well, ironically, a feeling of powerlessness is what usually brings us to that point where all we can do is give up our human power and surrender to the true Power that resides within each and every individual.

These stories are not just about events and people of bygone days–they carry valuable lessons too. When we are facing something challenging our powerlessness arises due to our trying to fight or oppose whatever we are facing or trying to “fix”. Often it may seem that we have a “giant” of a problem.  David simply stated he had come with no weapon, but he came in the name of God. And really that is the crux of the matter—the central point of the story!! As we proceed through life we can prove for ourselves this overcoming of the material or world aspects (represented by Goliath) by following the spiritual way.

Remember: God is first cause!! Have we forgotten the guidelines? Have we forgotten that in Truth there is freedom?  Have we forgotten that in Spirit we are all one?  Each story has God as its central point. Have we forgotten??

In Closing…….
The Truth stands, we might say, as our adversary and our friend. It is the adversary of our mortal mind, and the friend of our spiritual understanding. The Spirit of Truth opposes, or makes null and void, all mortal activities—not by acting against these false and seeming activities, for they are nothingness, but simply by being all there is.
Because God is all there is, it follows that as we lose our darkness, we find His Light. There was nothing but Light all the time. As we walk away from the flesh or mortal mind, we find that we are moving into the Presence of Reality. There was never any other presence but Reality. So, as we lay aside our personal selves, we find the Divine Self—which was always the only Self. “Deny yourself, and follow me.” said Jesus. That is the way out of our delusions. That is the way to the Truth which sets us free.  H.B. Jeffery—The Principle of Healing

Bountiful blessings,




























































































































































































