Newsletter – November 2024

Dear Friends,

“God is All and Omnipresent.”

A number of years ago I read these words: not everything can be fixed, but at a mental or spiritual level everything can heal.  In this message the focus is on the spiritual level because that is our true dwelling place.  It is not a physical place—it is an understanding; a deep knowing that goes way beyond the physical.

Recently during my stay in London,  passing people on the streets, in the tube, in the parks and shops, it came to me that we may appear different in many instances, yet there is that originating thread of Life that connects us all—Spirit.

A spider’s web is such an amazing example. If we walk into a web we do not think about the intelligence from whence that web originated, as we deal with removing the discomfort of the sticky entanglement affecting us.  Is this not a good analogy regarding daily living? We get caught up in the “sticky mess” of life—we see the effect and forget that there is a Divine Plan. The spider itself does nothing without a Divine Intelligence within. The pattern is already within the spider. We forget so often about the Inner Presence and when we do remember then we can know it too, for all.

The Bible starts with the words: “In the beginning, God…….” This remains true for us at the beginning of each moment. Each moment begins with God, yet we forget.  And this is not only applicable to the first sentence in the Bible; it applies at every moment in all of Life.

In Ecclesiastes we read: “Nothing can be added unto you, and nothing can be taken away.”  And in Luke, we find the words: “Who of you by taking thought, can add one cubit to his stature?”  I believe that in these words it is being reiterated that in Spirit, we are whole and complete. Our human thinking takes us away from, (or hides) the truth.  This way of thinking is not in accordance with the truth of who we are.

In the world we need to produce ID documents.  When travelling we have our passports to prove who we are. We go to great lengths proving who we are in the world, yet who each is in truth does not change, so we go back to.. in the beginning, God……  God—the common denominator in all life; the Omnipresent Presence.

Within each individual is the innate desire to bring forth the fruits of that which we are.  And it is important to note that it is  bringing forth the fruit from within.  There will always come an inner stirring, urging us to connect with the truth of our being.  We may search for our roots, or that which we have seemingly lost, by compiling family trees. We may think that through our lines of descent we will discover more about ourselves. Yet what we are in Truth is beyond human reason, chronology, or history. That is why no-thing can be added unto us and no-thing can be taken away. No-thing can be added to or taken away from what is already whole and complete, perfect at its Source.

Let us not lose sight of the great truth that we are all sons and daughters of the One God—spiritual sons and daughters, with the very same privilege of this Presence that never leaves us not forsakes us. It cannot be otherwise.  In stillness… we KNOW

In Closing…….
 We are reminded of this spiritual law in our Bible:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me; I am, and beside me there is none else.
In Truth there is but one God, one Life, one Substance, one Power.  There is but one Source or Cause in your life and mine.  Of this one Source all things are made and nothing is made that is not of this Infinite Spiritual Substance which we call God.  We literally live and move and have our being in a sea of spiritual substance.

It is our recognition of the one Source that lives in us and we in it that frees us from bondage to things of this world. We never fear people or things unless we first attribute a power to them.  To give power to a person or a thing is to make a god of a personality or object.  It is in the recognition of the one indwelling Life Power that the law of Total Good becomes responsive in us.  It becomes instantly dependable.  This indwelling Power of Good is saying, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.  Turn to me and I will turn to you.”

It is man’s recognition of the indwelling Spirit of God that becomes his personal Saviour, his personal Messiah that dissolves all fear into its native nothingness. Right now, wherever you are, you can voice with certainty and with gratitude:  In quietness and confidence shall be my strength. God is my strength and power, and He maketh my way perfect. 
Dr Al Salazar

Bountiful blessings,